ReliefAid needs your help, we cannot do this alone. Here are a few ways you can help support our work to deliver aid in war zones.


Donating is an easy way to make a big impact. Your donation will help us meet the immediate and urgent needs of families in Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan who have been left with nothing but fear and uncertainty – see how you can donate here.

  • Direct Donations – make a one-off or regular donation here.
  • Payroll giving – an easy and tax-efficient way for you to make a regular donation to ReliefAid.  Employees can donate directly from their salary to ReliefAid and receive a tax credit immediately – find out more here.
  • Tax refund giving – donate part or all of your tax return to ReliefAid’s work in Gaza, find out more here.

Electronic payments can be made direct to the ReliefAid account:

Bank Name: ASB

Account Name: ReliefAid

Account Number: 12-3019-0021294-00

Bank Address: 12 Jellicoe Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

Remittance Description: please specify your name, this helps us know where donations have come from.

If you would like a receipt, please include your email address in the description or let us know by email: [email protected]

Donate Now
Please specify a cause you would like to donate to or just add “General donation”.

Become a sponsor

Delivering aid in the world’s war zones has shown us that much can be achieved by working together.  We are proud of our partners whose support allows us to deliver relief where it is most needed. Through our valuable partnerships, ReliefAid operates with free-of-charge office spaces at our headquarters in both Auckland, New Zealand, and Quebec, Canada.

ShelterBox    escea   

Bromont Ultra            Productivity People

Medina organic skin care   Merino KidsOceanbridge logo

Stiftung Stern logo Icehouse logo

  • Delivering humanitarian assistance to communities in conflict zones not only requires specialist skills but also well-developed networks.
  • ReliefAid can rapidly mobilise on-ground networks to provide humanitarian relief to families inaccessible to other aid organisations.
  • To maximise the impact on communities affected by conflict we are looking to develop partnerships with like-minded organisations who share our vision but who do not have the networks necessary to support communities in war affected countries.

We want to hear from you if your organisation is interested in helping communities in hard to reach places.

Please contact us for more information.

Speak out

Forgotten conflicts lead to forgotten people and while direct action is critical in saving lives, being a voice for conflict affected communities is equally important.

We urge you to join us in speaking out against the ongoing violence inside Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan, purposely and systematically directed against families much like our own and we welcome invitations to talk to at your work, school or community group. Please contact us if you would like more information.

Get social

We invite you to follow us on our social media platforms. It’s an easy way to keep up to date with ReliefAid’s programs around the world and see how your donations are making an impact. Join us in speaking out against the ongoing violence by sharing our posts with friends to raise awareness.

Join our community on social media:

Fundraising events

Running a fundraiser event at your workplace, school or community group is a fantastic way to support us. Every effort can make a difference, please contact us for more information and fundraising materials.